
hallo there! im kris, some guy on the internet who likes writing, drawing, messing about with vocal synths, and listening to any music i can get my hands on! hopefully u can find something fun or interesting on here once i've started putting stuff up, but until then, please wait warmly until the site is ready!

current media and narrative interests

recently i've discovered the discography of nine inch nails. trent reznor makes such bangers it's almost mindblowing! really makes ur head spin with all the layers he puts into his tracks O_O! it's not just the music, though - his lyrical themes of disconnect from reality and later exploration of the idea of created worlds that someone has been put into without their knowledge is something thats super compelling to me as well.

it's very reminiscent of media like serial experiments lain, with the same kind of exploration of whether it matters that a world is "fake" in some way if it still influences something yr experience of the world! but that show still doesn't capture the same kind of feeling i get from albums like with teeth and the trilogy... ?~?

other media i've been into recently that explore somewhat similar themes regarding identity and the interplay btwn how it and a perception of the world (which is to say, ideology!) shape it include this town will never let us go by lawrence miles and homestuck! but i am trying to find more stuff that explores those ideas...
